Online Classes


Nutrition for mental health

Through this 12-week course, learn how what you eat can transform your mental health. Allison walks you through the latest research in nutritional psychiatry and breaks it down with practical, easy to implement strategies that you can utilize in daily life. In addition to 12 hours of educational content, you’ll also optionally receive four 1:1 nutrition consults to create a personalized nutrition and wellness plan, tailored to meet your specific needs.

Course Outline:

Week 1: Mind-Body-Brain Connection: What’s the Evidence?

Week 2: Superfoods or Eating Patterns? How to Efficiently and Effectively Affect Mental Health.

Week 3: Mental Illness to Mental Wellness with Nutrition

Week 4: Omega 3s and Brain Health

Week 5: MacroNutrients and Mental Health

Week 6: MicroNutrients and Mental Health

Week 7: The Gut Microbiome: changing the messaging from gut to brain

Week 8: Supporting Digestive Disorders

Week 9: Nutrition & Stress: managing digestion and absorption

Week 10: Hormone Changes through the Lifecycle

Week 11: Cooking Demo: Easy Recipes to Take Home

Week12: Taking it Forward: maintenance strategies of good nutrition for mental health, for life


Food and Mood Course without 1:1 guidance: $345

Food and Mood Course with four 1:1 personalized nutrition counseling sessions: $785

That’s over a 30% discount on 1:1 counseling when you include all four sessions!




“I will never look at nutrition the same way. This course helped me move away from restricting and binging to eating in a way that nourishes my body while supporting my mental health.” -Katie P.